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Environmental Policy Statement


Leading Edge Group is aware that our business activities impact upon the environment and we are committed to ensuring these activities have the least possible detrimental effect through our Environmental Policy Statement below:

We want to operate within our means, with available resources, without damaging the environment.

We aim to have a resilient and sustainable business that reacts to societal, environmental and economic pressures. We are committed to:

  • Complying fully with all relevant legal requirements, codes of practice and regulations.
  • Assessing the environmental impacts of our operations, continuously seeking to reduce pollution and improving our resource efficiency through reduction of energy use and waste.
  • Promoting environmental and energy awareness in our employees through participation and training.
  • Working with our customers to make more environmentally sensitive choices.
  • Monitoring our progress to ensure ongoing improvements in our environmental performance.
  • Grounding our activities in using sustainable methods
  • Communicate this policy to stakeholders and the public and work with our neighbours to improve the community.
  • Taking steps to ensure our CSR activities address these goals as far as is practicable.
  • Choosing suppliers that adopt best environmental practices where practical and make this the procurement policy of our company. Purchasing products and services that have the least environmental impact, where this is feasible. Encouraging suppliers and contractors to implement sustainable environmental systems and purchase from local suppliers where at all possible

Leading Edge Group is also particularly focused on the delivery of services in a sustainable manner.  Examples of the sustainable focused measures adopted are included below. Leading Edge Group continues to adopt an increasing number of such measures, where at all possible, to make a genuine contribution to climate action and sustainability.